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Budapest University of Technology and Economics ranked #1 among the Hungarian institutions in terms of the number of granted projects in the H2020 Framework Programme. The Horizon Europe framework programme has already brought great results.

Please find here an overview of our funded projects along with personal stories of researchers participating in winning projects.



Acronym: aCCuracy

Name: Turning gold standard quantum chemistry into a routine simulation tool: predictive properties for large molecular systems

Call: ERC-2022-STG

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101076972

Duration: 1 July 2023 – 30 June 2028

Funded under: European Research Council

Project objectives:
We propose comprehensive theoretical method development targeting a long-standing dilemma in molecular
quantum simulations between controllable predictive power and affordable computational time. While the
outstanding reliability of quantum chemistry’s gold standard model is repeatedly corroborated against experiments,
its traditional form is limited to the size of an amino acid molecule. By exploiting the short-range nature
of leading interaction contributions, a handful of groups, including ours, have recently extended the reach of
such quantitative energy computations up to a few hundred atoms. However, these state-of-the-art models are
still too demanding and are not at all equipped to compute experimentally relevant dynamic, spectroscopic, and
thermodynamic molecular properties.

Thus, to break down these barriers, we will further accelerate our cutting-edge gold standard methods up
to few 1000 atoms via concerted theoretical and algorithmic developments, and high-performance software
design. Additionally, we will take into account biochemical, crystal, and solvent environment effects via
cost-efficient embedding models. For the first time, we will also derive and implement practical approaches to
compute static and dynamic observable properties for large molecules at the gold standard level. The exceptional
capabilities of the new methods will enable us to study challenging chemical processes
of practical importance which are not accessible with chemical accuracy for any current lower-cost alternative.
We aim at modeling and understanding intricate covalent- and non-covalent interactions governing supramolecular
and protein-ligand binding as well as the mechanism of organo-, organometallic, surface, and enzyme catalytic

Once successful, this project we will deliver groundbreaking and open access tools for the systematically
improvable and predictive quantum simulation of large molecules in realistic conditions and environments.

BME’s role: n/a

BME Team: Nagy Péter, Gyevi-Nagy László, Csóka József, Samu Gyula, Szabó Péter Bernát, Lőrincz Balázs 

Acronym: SECURED

Name: Scaling Up secure Processing, Anonymization and generation of Health Data for EU cross border collaborative research and Innovation

Call: HORIZON-HLTH-2022-IND-13-02 – Scaling up multi-party computation, data anonymisation techniques, and synthetic data generation

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101095717

Duration: 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2025

Funded under: Health

Project objectives: The overall goal of the SECURED project is to scale up multiparty computation, data anonymization and synthetic data generation, by increasing efficiency and improving security, with a focus on private and unbiased artificial intelligence and data analytics, health-related data and data hubs, and cross-border cooperation. The project will address the limitations that are currently preventing the widespread use of secure multiparty computation and effective anonymization, namely: the limited practical capabilities of current cryptographic schemes for secure multi-party computation protocols, and their performance; the lack of well understood and standardized data anonymization methods for health data; the absence of dynamic and on demand services for generating synthetic data; the complex and ad-hoc nature of current federation protocols for machine learning and AI-based data analytics; the lack of support for health technology providers to implement privacy enhancing technologies, in particular SMEs.

Acronym: IGNITE

Name: Integrated GermaNIum quanTum tEchnology

Call: HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-30 – Investing in new emerging quantum computing technologies (RIA)

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101069515

Duration: 1 July 2022 – 30 June 2025

Funded under: Digital, Industry and Space

Project objectives: Spin qubits in germanium have resulted in the most advanced semiconductor quantum processor. Within five years of development, germanium qubits are established as a highly promising candidate for large-scale quantum computing. Germanium is a standard semiconductor manufacturing material and germanium qubits are the only semiconductor qubits that are defined exclusively by transistor-based structures and has enabled to demonstrate a universal quantum gate set [Hen20]. This is highly promising for scalability and adoption by leading semiconductor technology. A revolution in the growth of strained germanium sparked a remarkable development which led to the first germanium quantum dot, germanium qubit, two-qubit logic in germanium, four-qubit logic in a two-dimensional array, and operation of a 16 quantum dot array. This program brings together all the partners that enabled these developments to form a consortium with leading scientists and industry, to fulfil the promise of germanium quantum technology, by scaling the number of qubits, by designing architectures allowing to advance beyond 1000s of qubits, and by experimentally implementing a computational task that can provide a quantum advantage. The key objective of Integrated Germanium Quantum Technology (IGNITE) is thus to demonstrate that germanium defines a compelling platform for quantum computation with excellent qubits operating in a scalable network. We therefore focus on four key components to demonstrate its success.

BME’s role: BME will do theory research in the project, providing expertise and research capabilities in the field of semiconductor spin qubits, semiconductor physics, and quantum information.

BME Team: András Pályi (team leader), János Asbóth, György Frank, Dávid Pataki, Ákos Budai, Aritra Sen, Kolok Baksa

Acronym: SHORE

Name: SHORE: EmpOweR Students as the agents of cHangE


Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101112815

Duration: 1 August 2023 – 31 July 2026

Funded under: Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

Project objectives: SHORE will be focusing on engaging & mobilizing students, teachers, and schools to implement the Mission Ocean objectives to increase ocean literacy with the help of community activities & cooperation projects. SHORE project will last 36 months and cover five different regional areas (Baltic, Black, Mediterranean Sea, Danube & Rhine River Area) with its 14 consortium partners. It will set up Country Hubs to offer guidance for the educators and schools on Blue Curricula, develop and implement their projects and use open schooling methodologies. Contry Hubs will also promote community activities such as exhibitions, workshops, training, seminars, and meetNtalks to increase the awareness of ocean literacy among the society. SHORE will provide grants to 100 schools through three open call periods for proposals to support blue projects for a maximum amount of up to 10.000 euro per grant. Educational materials and trainings for educators will be available during th eprojec to increase their knowledge about sustainable and blue education. A digital platform will be set-up to monitor school projects, and provide a virtual learning environment system including rewards and badges. In addition, at the end of each school period, a public voting session will be held to raise awareness & engagement, create a wider audience and select the best school project which will receive the „”Ocean Ambassador/Literate of the Year Award. An Ocean Literacy Action Center will be established within the YTU to coordinate public activities and bring researchers and public together to enhance ocean literacy during the project and thereafter.

BME’s role: BME is the Hungarian Node of Shore consortium. Its main task is to help prepare school projects, successfully implement them, and provide continuous information to those interested in the topic.

BME Team: Roxána E. Tóth, László Farkas

Acronym: ONCHIPS

Name: On-chip integration of quantum electronics and photonics

Call: HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-02-16 – Basic Science for Quantum Technologies (RIA)

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101080022

Duration: 1 October 2022 – 30 September 2026

Funded under: Digital, Industry and Space

Project objectives: A major roadblock for silicon-based optoelectronics and its quantum applications is that conventional cubic silicon has an indirect band gap, and hence it is optically inactive. ONCHIPS will capitalize on a recent breakthrough from within its consortium: growth and optical characterization of a revolutionary new material: hexagonal germanium-silicon (hex-GeSi), which is a silicon-based, optically active, direct-bandgap semiconductor. Building on this discovery, ONCHIPS’ key objectives are as follows:          
(1) We will for the first time grow advanced hex-GeSi heterostructures for quantum technology applications.    
(2) We will realise spin qubits in quantum dots in hex-GeSi.        
(3) We will create spin-photon interfaces in hex-GeSi, made possible by the direct bandgap of the material.
(4) We will build single-photon detectors for wavelengths beyond 2 micrometers, optimized for emission from hex-GeSi.                
This project is well aligned with the scope of the call, and will foster the integration of electronic and optoelectronic functionalities based on a silicon-based direct-bandgap semiconductor, using a combination of facilities and expertise that is available only in Europe. 

BME’s role: BME will do theory research in the project, providing expertise and research capabilities in the field of semiconductor spin qubits, semiconductor physics, and quantum information.


BME Team: András Pályi (team leader), János Asbóth, György Frank, Dávid Pataki, Ákos Budai, Aritra Sen, Kolok Baksa

Acronym: ReNEW

Name: Resilience-centric Smart, Green, Networked EU Inland Waterways

Call: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-09 – Climate resilient and environmentally sustainable transport infrastructure, with a focus on inland waterways

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101069682

Duration: 1 September 2022 – 31 August 2025

Funded under: Climate, Energy and Mobility

Project objectives: ReNEW represents a multidisciplinary group composed of 24 participants from 11 countries of the European Union capable of playing a key role in supporting the transition of IWT to smart, green, sustainable and climate-resilient sector. To achieve this, the project will build on previous results, will capitalise on cooperation opportunities with ongoing projects and initiatives and will deliver:
1. An interdisciplinary IWT Resilience and Sustainability decision-support framework incorporating innovative models for IWT infrastructure networking interdependencies linking to probabilistic risk and safety analyses and resilience quantification   
(Resilience Index), supporting the identification of short- and long-term measures that enhance resilience utilising SOA building blocks from Reference Projects              
2. Targeted innovative infrastructure resilience and sustainability solutions building on autonomy developments and maturing green energy options;               
3. A Green Resilient IWT Dataspace and generic Digital Twin providing primarily data sharing between infrastructure monitoring, RIS and traffic management and emergency systems and climate solutions;
4. Four Living Labs designed to provide exemplars from a) LLs focusing on integrated IW and hinterland infrastructure [Gent-urban, Douro- corridor, Netherlands – EU network perspectives] and a LL addressing specifically inland waterway resilience;           
5. ReNEW Outreach and Upscale activities designed to maximise impact pathways.

Acronym:  IPPT_TWINN


Call: HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03-01 – Twinning

Cordis Link:  https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101079051

Duration: 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2025

Funded under: Widening participation and spreading excellence

Project objectives: Global annual consumption of plastics is expected to increase from the current 368 million tons (2019) to 1.1 billion tons in 2050. However, this growth also presents some problems, such as the increasing amount of plastic waste and a rise in CO2 emissions. One of the ways to tackle these problems is to produce more durable products and to use processing technologies that generate less waste. The IPPT_TWINN project addresses both methods, as more durable products can be manufactured through a better understanding of processing methods and waste can be reduced through the application of new technologies and better waste management.
The main objective of IPPT_TWINN is to increase the knowledge of polymer processing at FTPO. This will be achieved both through joint scientific work with 4 partners from 4 EU countries, covering several advanced processing techniques and through the organization of a series of events such as workshops, summer schools, expert visits, etc.

BME’s role:  The Polymer Engineering Department of BME, as one of the leading polymer research institutes in the Central and Eastern European region, has significant experience in the research and development of polymer materials and processing technologies. The department’s main tasks in the IPPT_TWINN project based on this expertise are knowledge exchange with consortium members, the organization and management of knowledge exchange programs, and a leading role in the research topics related to the grant. These research topics include the investigation and modeling of adhesive bonding at the interface of products produced by injection overmolding and with hybrid technologies, and the study of self-healing effects that can be achieved with the use of various materials.

The project’s position and background within the institution’s research and grant strategy: The long-term strategy of the Department of Polymer Technology at BME involves participation in international competitions and the deepening of international relationships while exploring new points of connection. The IPPT_TWINN project presents an exceptional opportunity to achieve this long-term goal by aiding in the strengthening of relations with international research and industrial partners, as well as exploring new opportunities for grants and common points of connection. The IPPT_TWINN project continues the collaborative work initiated in 2020 within the framework of the Polyflip project with the Slovenian partner institution.

Project leader’s quote: “The IPPT_TWINN project is not just a consortium collaboration, but the coordinated knowledge force brought forth by the BME Department of Polymer Engineering and its outstanding partners. Our task extends beyond mere knowledge sharing; it involves charting new paths for mutual development.”

BME Team:  Dr. Kovács József Gábor, Pinke Balázs Gábor, Dr. Suplicz András, Dr. Szabó Ferenc, Dr. Török Dániel, Dr. Zink Béla

Acronym: QuMicro

Name: Quantum Microwave Detection with Diamond Spins

Call: HORIZON-EIC-2021-PATHFINDEROPEN-01-01 – EIC Pathfinder Open 2021

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101046911

Duration: 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2025

Funded under: The European Innovation Council (EIC)

Project objectives: Microwave detection is one of the most widely spread technologies in our society, spanning across areas as diverse as telecommunications, computers, radio-astronomy, navigation and air traffic control, spectroscopy, and medical diagnostics. In this proposal we address emerging and advanced MW applications that start from the same basis – a need for ultrasensitive detection with a high spectral resolution, and, in addition, requesting portable integrated instruments. Emerging quantum technology devices acting as sensors can lead to a major breakthrough in the application field through high sensitivity and frequency resolution. In QuMicro, we propose to develop a quantum technology for the next generation of microwave detection devices, surpassing the capabilities of all currently available methods. The devices will enable the rapid measurement of the frequency, amplitude, and phase of microwave fields. We will achieve extremely fast (nanosecond-scale) transient detection, a broad detection range spanning tens of gigahertz, and parts-per-million frequency resolution with ultrahigh sensitivity. The QuMicro system is based on a novel detection scheme and on the pioneering innovation concept of photoelectrically detected magnetic resonance with nitrogen-vacancy colour centre qubits in diamond, as a highly performant platform for microwave signal detection at room temperature. 

BME’s role: BME will lead Work Package 2 to design and prepare materials and optical microstructures. In particular, BME quantum materials simulation team will work to optimize the electrical readout of the nitrogen-vacancy quantum sensor device and also search for alternative spin centers in diamond for such application. Furthermore, BME will furthermore contribute with their expertise on the design and realization of fast optical scanners.

BME Team: Ádám Gali, Gábor Erdei, Pál Koppa, Pál Maák

Acronym: e-DIPLOMA

Name: Electronic, Didactic and Innovative Platform for Learning based On Multimedia Assets

Call: HORIZON-CL2-2021-TRANSFORMATIONS-01-05 – Integration of emerging new technologies into education and training

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101061424

Duration: 1 September 2022 – 31 August 2025

Funded under: Culture, creativity and inclusive society

Project objectives: Distance learning has become a great ally in the current Pandemic situation. The e-DIPLOMA project will establish the e-learning in an upper quality level in a three years’ research project, posing the use of Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning/Deep Learning), Interactive Technologies, chatbots and gamification in a newly designed e-learning platform. This project will use techniques and technologies previously proven successfully in the broadcasting, gaming, and eSports industries. They will be adapted to the educational world developing innovative learning practices. A co-creation methodology will be used to include the main educational actors (teachers, educators, pupils, families, course providers and policy makers) and their social relationships. Inclusiveness, accessibility and sustainability will also be taken into account.

BME’s role: 

BME Team: László Szirmay-Kalos, László Szécsi, Viktória Burkus, Attila Ádám Kárpáti

Acronym: PLOTO

Name: Deployment and Assessment of Predictive modelling, environmentally sustainable and emerging digital technologies and tools for improving the resilience of IWW against Climate change and other extremes

Call: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-09 – Climate resilient and environmentally sustainable transport infrastructure, with a focus on inland waterways

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101069941

Duration:  1 September 2022 – 28 February 2026

Funded under: Climate, Energy and Mobility

Project objectives: PLOTO aims at increasing the resilience of the Inland WaterWays (IWW) infrastructures and the connected land- infrastructures, thus ensuring reliable network availability under unfavourable conditions, such as extreme weather, accidents and other kind of hazards. Our main target is to combine downscaled climate change scenarios (applied to IWW infrastructures) with simulation tools and actual data, so as to provide the relevant authorities and their operators with an integrated tool able to support more effective management of their infrastructures at strategic and operational levels.

BME’s role: participates in all WPs and leads Task 2.1: End-user needs and good practices analysis of adaptation and mitigation measures and Task 4.4 IWW Resilience Framework. The PLOTO integrated platform and its tools will be validated in three case studies in Belgium, Romania, and Hungary. BME coordinates the Hungarian case study. BME’s main tasks are as follows: situation analysis; consultancy activity; survey of user requirements; discussion on and elaboration of adaptation and mitigation measures, socio-economic studies, and innovative business solutions; demonstration and validation; dissemination and exploitation of project results.

BME Team: Csaba Csiszár, Dávid Földes, Bálint Csonka

Acronym:  PowerizeD

Name: Digitalization of Power Electronic Applications within Key Technology Value Chains

Call: HORIZON-KDT-JU-2021-1-IA

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101096387

Duration:  1 January 2023 – 31 December 2025

Funded under:  Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking

Project objectives:  The overarching goal of PowerizeD is to develop breakthrough technologies of digitalized and intelligent power electronics, in order to enable sustainable and resilient energy generation, transmission and applications. PowerizeD enhances the level of mechanical and electrical integration of new driver circuits into power electronics and allows for the first time common optimization of all power switch functionalities. Regarding data sharing along the value chain, PowerizeD drives the novel approach of Federated Learning as a methodical approach to an intrinsically encrypted transfer of confidential and proprietary data. Also new is the usage of detailed electrical physical models in digital twins of real time digitally monitored and controlled power electronic devices. Unlike other projects focusing on competence and technology with limited effort on demonstration, this project will start from vital societal needs, by identifying and analysing the key generic technology challenges from broad application scopes. A major effort will be spent on cross-domain research and innovation. The developed technologies will be demonstrated and evaluated via a large number of universally applicable results. To realize this ambition, a large project consortium will incorporate the needed competencies and resources along the whole value chain. 

BME’s role:  Thermal conductivity measurements of new materials used in thermal management solutions, design for thermal testability (DfTT), study and modelling of structural degradation of device packages by means of structure-function during aging tests; contributions to digitalized development workflows, contribution to standardization activities (in terms of thermal testing standards). 

BME Team:  Andras Poppe (team leader), Ferenc Ender, Gusztav Hantos, Janos Hegedus, Gyorgy Bognar

Acronym: CHIRON

Name: The role of the non-canonical death receptor signalling in cancer and immune cells

Call: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101130240

Duration: 1 October 2023 – 30 September 2027

Funded under: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

Project objectives: Immune surveillance refers to the ability of the immune system to efficiently induce cell death (apoptosis) in aberrant cells during the early stages of tumour development. This induction of cell death involves the binding of the death ligand TRAIL (TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand) to its death receptors (DRs) DR4 and DR5 on the target cell. However, tumour cells can escape this immune surveillance by switching the signalling downstream of DRs from the canonical pro-apoptotic signal towards a survival signal. Previous work from CHIRON partners highlights that this non-canonical DR-signalling regulates both tumour cell behaviour and immune cell functions, demonstrating its central role in understanding the tumour microenvironment. Yet, many aspects of the DR-signalling pathways remain unresolved, hampering the exploitation for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. CHIRON will address these gaps via its main scientific aims: (i) to develop novel small molecule inhibitors (SMIs) to inhibit non-canonical DR-signalling (WP1), (ii) to identify new DR4- and DR5-binding partners within tumour and immune cells (WP2), and (iii) to gain a mechanistic understanding of the role of the non-canonical DR-signalling pathway in immune cells and cancer types (WP3). To achieve this, the CHIRON consortium combines the multidisciplinary and complementary expertise and resources of six academic and three private sector partners to (i) generate novel knowledge and innovative tools, (ii) strengthen an efficient network of knowledge exchange for further innovative synergies, and (iii) develop the expertise of early-stage and experienced researchers through excellent training. The outputs of the research will (i) develop novel tools to sensitise tumour cells for TRAIL-induced cell death, (ii) guide future diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to utilize and modulate DR-signalling, and (iii) train the expertise necessary to turn such knowledge into innovative services and products.

BME’s role: As one of the beneficiaries, the BME role is to develop novel small molecule inhibitors to inhibit the non-canonical DR-signalling pathway, and to investigate molecular delineation of the non-canonical DR-signalling pathway. Further role of BME is teaching & training, and knowledge transfer by secondments and specific training sessions.

Essential contributions of BME to CHIRON: organic chemistry; retrosynthesis; compound synthesis and optimization; synthetic accessibility evaluation of potential compounds.

BME Team: Dr. Erika Bálint, Dr. Béla Mátravölgyi, Dr. Nóra Popovics-Tóth, Bettina Rávai, Máté János Orosz


A SCALE egy 4,5 évig tartó, 7 millió eurós összköltségvetésű Innovation Action projekt volt, 2021 május 31-én fejeződött be.  A projekt a timföldgyártás során keletkező vörösiszap feldolgozásával foglalkozott.

Világszerte probléma a szerves és szervetlen szennyezőanyagok okozta szennyezettség, amely jelentős kockázatokkal jár. Az ELECTRA projekt erre a problémára keres hatékony és környezetbarát megoldást.

„Ahhoz, hogy Magyarországon valaki jó kutatási projekteket tudjon csinálni, részt kell vennie európai kutatási projektekben.” A BME VIK Elektronikus Eszközök Tanszéke már 1989 óta vesz részt kutatási pályázatokban.


Acronym: CO2EXIDE

Name: CO2-based Electrosynthesis of ethylene oXIDE

Call: H2020-SPIRE-10-2017 – New electrochemical solutions for industrial processing, which contribute to a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/768789

BME Team leader: Gabor Kiss

Acronym: InterQ

Name: Interlinked Process, Product and Data Quality framework for Zero-Defects Manufacturing

Call: H2020- DT-FOF-11-2020 – Quality control in smart manufacturing (IA)

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/958357

BME Team leader: Zoltan Dombovari


Name: PROGnostics based Reliability Analysis for Maintenance Scheduling

Call: H2020-FOF-09-2017 – Novel design and predictive maintenance technologies for increased operating life of production systems

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/767287

BME Team leader: Istvan Nemeth

Acronym: ELECTRA

Name: Electricity driven Low Energy and Chemical input Technology foR Accelerated bioremediation

Call: H2020- CE-BIOTEC-04-2018 – New biotechnologies for environmental remediation (RIA)

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/826244

BME Team leader: Mónika Molnár

Acronym: SCALE

Name: Production of Scandium compounds and Scandium Aluminum alloys from European metallurgical by- products

Call: H2020-SC5-13-2016-2017 – New solutions for sustainable production of raw materials

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/730105

BME Team leader: Viktória Feigl

Acronym: MANTIS

Name: Cyber Physical System based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance

Call: ECSEL-01-2014 – ECSEL Key Applications and Essential Technologies (RIA)

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/662189

BME Team leader: Bálint Németh


Name: From Measurements to Standardized Multi-Domain Compact Models of LEDs

Call: ECSEL-07-2015 – Design Technology

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/692465

BME Team leader: Andras Poppe

Acronym: Productive4.0

Name: Electronics and ICT as enabler for digital industry and optimized supply chain management covering the entire product lifecycle

Call: H2020-ECSEL-2016-2- ECSEL Key Applications and Essential Technologies (IA)

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/737459

BME Team leader: Pal Varga


Name: Cyber Security for Cross Domain Reliable Dependable Automated Systems

Call: H2020-ECSEL-2017-2-RIA-two-stage

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/783119

BME Team leader: Gergely Biczok

Acronym: Arrowhead Tools

Name: Arrowhead Tools for Engineering of Digitalisation Solutions

Call: H2020-ECSEL-2018-1-IA-two-stage

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/826452

BME Team leader: Pal Varga

Acronym: CPS4EU

Name: Cyber Physical Systems for Europe

Call: H2020-ECSEL-2018-1-IA

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/826276

BME Team leader: Andras POPPE

Acronym: BRAINE

Name: Big data pRocessing and Artificial Intelligence at the Network Edge

Call: H2020- ECSEL-RIA-2019-2-Special-Topic-2 – EDGE COMPUTING

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/876967

BME Team leader: Bela Feher


Name: AI powered Digital twin for lighting infrastructure in the context of front-end Industry 4.0

Call: H2020- ECSEL-2020-2-RIA – ECSEL-2020-2-RIA

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101007319

BME Team leader: Andras Poppe

Acronym: ProExcer

Name: Projectile exciter for noiseless environment

Call: ERC-2019-POC – ERC Proof of Concept Grant

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/862308

Principal Investigator: Gábor Stépán

Acronym: AndQC

Name: Andreev qubits for scalable quantum computation

Call: H2020-FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020 – FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/828948

BME Team leader: Szabolcs Csonka

Acronym: QuanTELCO

Name: Quantum Emitters for Telecommunication in the O-Band

Call: H2020- FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020 – FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/862721

BME Team leader: Adam Gali

Acronym: SuperGate

Name: Gate Tuneable Superconducting Quantum Electronics.

Call: H2020- FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020 – FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/964398

BME Team leader: Szabolcs Csonka

Acronym: ISW

Name: In Silico World: Lowering barriers to ubiquitous adoption of In Silico Trials

Call: H2020- SC1-DTH-06-2020 – Accelerating the uptake of computer simulations for testing medicines and medical devices

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101016503

BME Team leader: György Paál

Acronym: EuroCPS

Name: European Network of competencies and platforms for Enabling SME from any sector building Innovative CPS products to sustain demand for European manufacturing

Call: ICT-01-2014 – Smart Cyber-Physical Systems

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/644090

BME Team leader: Marta Rencz

Acronym: 5GEx

Name: 5G exchange     

Call: ICT-14-2014 – Advanced 5G Network Infrastructure for the Future Internet

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/671636

BME Team leader: Gergely Biczók

Acronym: FED4SAE

Name: Federated CPS Digital Innovation Hubs for the Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative

Call: H2020- ICT-04-2017 – Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/761708

BME Team leader: Marta Rencz


Name: TEchnology TRAnsfer via Multinational Application eXperiments

Call: H2020- ICT-04-2017 – Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/761349

BME Team leader: Béla Fehér

Acronym: TRINITY

Name: Digital Technologies, Advanced Robotics and increased Cyber-security for Agile Production in Future European Manufacturing Ecosystems

Call: H2020-DT-ICT-02-2018 – Robotics – Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH)

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/825196

BME Team leader: Balázs Vince Nagy

Acronym: AI4EU

Name: A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem

Call: H2020-ICT-26-2018-2020 – Artificial Intelligence

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/825619

BME Team leader: Géza Németh

Acronym: 5G-SMART

Name: 5G for Smart Manufacturing

Call: H2020- ICT-19-2019 – Advanced 5G validation trials across multiple vertical industries

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/857008

BME Team leader: Attila Vidács

Acronym: SMART4ALL


Call: H2020- DT-ICT-01-2019 – Smart Anything Everywhere

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/872614

BME Team leader: Bela Feher

Acronym: Smart4Europe2

Name: Catalysing Digitisation throughout Europe

Call: H2020- DT-ICT-01-2019 – Smart Anything Everywhere

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/872111

BME Team leader: Marta Rencz

Acronym: IOTAC


Call: H2020- SU-ICT-02-2020 – Building blocks for resilience in evolving ICT systems

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/952684

BME Team leader: Laszlo Vajta


Name: MachinE Learning Ledger Orchestration for Drug DiscoverY

Call: H2020- IMI2-2018-14-03 – Development of a platform for federated and privacy-preserving machine learning in support of drug discovery

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/831472

BME Team leader: Gergely Acs


Name: Piezoelectric Vibration Absorber for Machining Applications

Call: MSCA-IF-2015-EF – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF-EF)

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/704133

Supervisor: Gabor STEPAN

MSCA Grantee:

Acronym: TopoGraph

Name: Towards topological hybrid states states in graphene

Call: H2020- MSCA-IF-2017 – Individual Fellowships

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/795111

Supervisor: Szabolcs Csonka

Acronym: ParaResWEC

Name: Nonlinear Rock and Roll – Modelling and Control of Parametric Resonance in Wave Energy Converters

Call: H2020- WF-01-2018 – Widening Fellowships

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/867453

BME Team leader: Tamas Kalmar-Nagy

Acronym: PharmaCrystEng

Name: Development of novel rapid design methods for separation of enantiomers by crystallization: a process systems engineering approach

Call: H2020-MSCA-IF-2020

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101024059

Supervisor: György Marosi

MSCA Grantee: Botond Szilágyi

Acronym: FIWIN5G

Name: FIber-Wireless Integrated Networks for 5th Generation delivery.

Call: MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN-ETN)

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/642355

BME Team leader: Eszter Udvary 

Acronym: HyFiSyn

Name: Hybrid Fibre-reinforced composites: achieving Synergetic effects through microstructural design and advanced simulation tools

Call: H2020- MSCA-ITN-2017 – Innovative Training Networks

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/765881

BME Team leader: Gergely Czel

Acronym: CATCHY

Name: Design, implementation and production upscaling of novel, high-performance, cluster-based catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation

Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/955650

BME Team leader: László Nyulászi

Acronym: NanoMed

Name: Nanoporous and Nanostructured Materials for Medical Applications

Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 – Research and Innovation Staff Exchange

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/734641

BME Team leader: Krisztina LASZLO

Acronym: ADVANCE

Name: Addressing Verification and Validation Challenges in Future Cyber-Physical Systems

Call: H2020- MSCA-RISE-2018 – Research and Innovation Staff Exchange

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/823788

BME Team leader: Zoltan Micskei

Acronym: GREEN-MAP


Call: H2020- MSCA-RISE-2019 – Research and Innovation Staff Exchange

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/872152

BME Team leader: Kolos Molnar

Acronym: DCPM

Name: Digitalized Clone for Personalized Medicine

Call: H2020- MSCA-RISE-2019 – Research and Innovation Staff Exchange

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/872488

BME Team leader: Balázs BENYÓ

Acronym: CORONA II

Name: Enhancement of training capabilities in VVER technology through establishment of VVER training academy

Call: NFRP-10-2015 – Education and training (Bologna and Copenhagen processes)

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/662125

BME Team leader: Attila Kiss

Acronym: ENENplus

Name: Attract, Retain and Develop New Nuclear Talents Beyond Academic Curricula

Call: NFRP-12 – Support for careers in the nuclear field

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/755576

BME Team leader: Csilla Pesznyak

Acronym: ENEEP


Call: NFRP-2018-7 – Availability and use of research infrastructures for education, training and competence building

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/847555

BME Team leader: Szabolcs Czifrus

Acronym: GREaT-PIONEeR


Call: NFRP-2019-2020-11 – Advancing nuclear education

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/890675

BME Team leader: Máté Szieberth

Acronym: PUMMA        

Name: Plutonium Management for More Agility

Call: NFRP-2019-2020

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/945022

BME Team leader: Máté Szieberth

Acronym: ECC-SMART

Name: Joint European Canadian Chinese development of Small Modular Reactor Technology

Call: NFRP-2019-2020-05 – Support for safety research of Small Modular Reactors

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/945234

BME Team leader: Czifrus Szabolcs

Acronym: SafeG

Name: Safety of GFR through innovative materials, technologies and processes

Call: NFRP-2019-2020-06 – Safety Research and Innovation for advanced nuclear systems

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/945041

BME Team leader: Szabolcs Czifrus

Acronym: EELISA innoCORE

Name: EELISA INNOvation and COmmon REsearch strategy

Call: H2020-IBA-SwafS-Support-2-2020

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101035811

BME Team leader: László Gergely Vigh

Acronym: GreenPlay

Name: Game to promote energy efficiency actions

Call: EE-11-2014 – New ICT-based solutions for energy efficiency

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/649621

BME Team leader: Maria Csete


Name: An Integrated Platform for Incresed FLEXIbility in smart TRANSmission grids with STORage Entities and large penetration of Renewable Energy Sources

Call: H2020-LCE-04-2017 – Demonstration of system integration with smart transmission grid and storage technologies with increasing share of renewables

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/774407

BME Team leader: Balint Nemeth


Name: TSO-DSO-Consumer INTERFACE aRchitecture to provide innovative grid services for an efficient power system

Call: H2020- LC-SC3-ES-5-2018-2020 – TSO – DSO – Consumer: Large-scale demonstrations of innovative grid services through demand response, storage and small-scale (RES) generation

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/824330

BME Team leader: Balint Nemeth


Name: FAcilitating Regional CROSS-border Electricity Transmission through Innovation

Call: H2020- LC-SC3-ES-2-2019 – Solutions for increased regional cross-border cooperation in the transmission grid

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/864274

BME Team leader: Bálint Németh

Acronym: OneNet

Name: H2020- LC-SC3-ES-5-2018-2020 – TSO – DSO – Consumer: Large-scale demonstrations of innovative grid services through demand response, storage and small-scale (RES) generation

Call: H2020- LC-SC3-ES-5-2018-2020 – TSO – DSO – Consumer: Large-scale demonstrations of innovative grid services through demand response, storage and small-scale (RES) generation

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/957739

BME Team leader: Bálint Németh

Acronym: EcoFuel

Name: Renewable Electricity-based, cyclic and economic production of Fuel

Call: H2020-LC-SC3-2020-RES-RIA

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101006701

BME Team leader: Gabor Kiss

Acronym: FLOW

Name: Furthering Less Congestion by creating Opportunities for more Walking and cycling

Call: MG-5.3-2014 – Tackling urban road congestion

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/635998

BME Team leader: Csaba Orosz


Name: PROactive Safety for Pedestrians and CyclisTs

Call: MG-3.4-2014 – Traffic safety analysis and integrated approach towards the safety of Vulnerable Road Users

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/634149

BME Team leader: Miklós Gábor BÁNFI

Acronym: MaaS4EU

Name: End-to-End Approach for Mobility-as-a-Service tools, business models, enabling framework and evidence for European seamless mobility

Call: H2020-MG-6.1-2016 – Innovative concepts, systems and services towards ‘mobility as a service’

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/723176

BME Team leader: Domokos Esztergár-Kiss

Acronym: ANIMA

Name: Aviation Noise Impact Management through Novel Approaches

Call: H2020-MG-1-2-2017 – Reducing aviation noise

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/769627

BME Team leader: Ferenc Márki

Name: Centre of Excellence in Production Informatics and Control

Call: H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017 – Teaming Phase 2

Cordis Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/739592

BME Team leader: Tibor Szalay